domenica 9 maggio 2010

18 More Cities to Get Sprint 4G This Summer

18 More Cities to Get Sprint 4G This Summer: "

Sprint has been hard at work rolling out the U.S.'s first 4G wireless network. The new network, based on WiMAX technology, is currently available in a select number of markets, with many more on the way. On that note, Clear, who is Sprint's partner in crime, has put out a press release today with a whole new bunch of cities that will be blanketed with 4G coverage over the summer. This means that more people will be able to take advantage of the EVO 4G, which is expected to launch in June. The press release also mentions Comcast's involvement.

The list:

  • Kansas City, KS

  • Rochester, NY

  • Syracuse, NY

  • Orlando, FL

  • Tampa, FL

  • Jacksonville, FL

  • Daytona, FL

  • Nashville, TN

  • St. Louis, MO

  • Salt Lake City, UT

  • Merced, CA

  • Modesto, CA

  • Stockton, CA

  • Visalia, CA

  • Wilmington, DE

  • Grand Rapis, MI

  • Eugene, OR

  • Yakima and Tri-Cities, WA

With the above cities added to the current list of 4G markets, Sprint's plan to cover 120 million people with 4G by year's end doesn't seem too far off.

[Via AndroidCentral]

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