venerdì 25 ottobre 2013


Phone blocks il telefono assemblabile e riparabile perché composto di micro moduli tipo lego :D

domenica 20 ottobre 2013

ION Glasses. First optical and sun smartglasses that interact with your devices | Indiegogo

Angel - the first open sensor for health and fitness | Indiegogo

A comprehensive help desk that is free for small business


We've said plenty of times here at FeedMyApp that one of the major benefits of the app generation has been the opportunity given to small business to run their show using free or very cheap applications. There are plenty of excellent CRM's and project management tools that give the small team a chance to compete with the big guys. But, something you don't see very often is something that can take up a lot of your precious time - namely, the help desk app. VivaDesk offers free and pad versions of their on-demand, web-based help desk and customer support vehicle. The app offers a smooth answer to the time-consuming but vitally important job of internal and external problem solving. More than ever these days, service teams are choosing a cloud-based SaaS subscription model rather than a legacy on-site license with maintenance option. The reason for this is generally because many of those programs are outdated and can be expensive. VivaDesk delivers a 'Software-as-a-Service' web-based help desk business application that allows your internal and external customer support team to dynamically assign, monitor and resolve all of your technical support trouble tickets and customer service requests with ease. Workflow automation, customizable web self-service and email integration ensure customers receive fast and reliable service every time and, with the publication of fully searchable self-help documents, customers can even solve their own problems without tying up support staff.VivaDesk offers a Rackspace hosted SaaS solution that means low up-front costs, hassle-free deployment, ISO27001 secure data centers and reliable managed services as well as predictable future costs. VivaDesk is an ideal replacement for your limited and outdated legacy service desk products and gives small business an affordable first step towards automating its previous manual processes. Using the app will definitely reduce your workload - as well as increasing the satisfaction of your customers - and the user-friendly interface includes a huge range of features that support either internal or external customers. Whats more, as your help desk requirements grow, a seamless upgrade path is available to add more advanced features. As I mentioned before, it's kinda rare to see a customer service and help desk as a free option but VivaDesk offers a great free version of the app for 3 agents or less but the pro edition with unlimited users is still a very cost effective option at under fifty bucks a month. The app is very easy to use with a clear and concise interface and can deal easily with internal as well as client support and management. It requires no installation nor any expensive training courses to be able to run it. VivaDesk is packed with features that also include CMDB and asset management and asset and incident history, tasks delegation, audit trail, update log and reports galore. There is a free trial available now if you're quick. Otherwise you can go to for more details.

via FeedMyApp

Microsoft Remote Desktop esce su Android e iOS: è Windows sul tuo smartphone e tablet

Il desktop di Windows arriva anche su iPhone e cellulari Android, grazie al nuovo Microsoft Remote Desktop. Microsoft ha lanciato oggi il suo Microsoft Remote Desktop per smartphone e tablet Android e[...]


martedì 15 ottobre 2013

SPROUT la matita che si pianta

E' una matita fatta di legno di cedro, grafite e argilla ma nella sua “coda” sono inseriti dei semi pronti a mettere radici se inseriti in un vaso colmo di terra bagnata. 
Semi di: basilico,  pomodori ciliegini,  jalapeño, prezzemolo, calendula, rosmarino, salvia, menta, melanzana, timo, e molto altro.

domenica 13 ottobre 2013

Google Buys Flutter, Gesture Recognition App

via Google Operating System

lunedì 7 ottobre 2013

Il calendario aziendale fatto di Lego

Calendario con avanzamento dei progetti / attività fattac on i mitici LEGO.
Tramite APP di Vitamins é possibile integrarlo in goole calendar.

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

GiPStech trionfa alla Startup Competition del TechCrunch Italy 2013

Abbiamo seguito tutto l’evento e abbiamo potuto anche osservare da vicino le idee dei partecipanti alla Startup Competition, GiPStech era l’idea rivoluzionaria che stavamo[...]


Google acquista Flutter e le gesture per le webcam arrivano a Mountain View

Google ha acquisito Flutter, startup sviluppatrice dell’omonima applicazione per gestire programmi tramite webcam e gesture. Nuova e importante acquisizione per Google. Stavolta ad entrare a[...]


brand Apple batte tutti (per ora)

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Il mulo meccanico

boston dynamics


DorkSearch è una piattaforma online progettata per facilitare e velocizzare il processo di Google Dorking, una tecnica avanzata di ricerca s...