giovedì 6 gennaio 2011

PODRUNNER: Workout Music - Download free podcast episodes by Wizzard Media on iTunes.

PODRUNNER: Workout Music - Download free podcast episodes by Wizzard Media on iTunes.: "Podcast Description
Like to workout to fast, energetic music? Check out PODRUNNER: Nonstop, fixed-BPM, hour-long mixes from DJ Steve Boyett. A new mix every week to help you groove while you move, whenever, wherever, and however you work out. == Sign up for RUN TIME, the free Podrunner newsletter, at == Listen to PODRUNNER: INTERVALS, varied-BPM music mixes for interval training to improve conditioning."

Roboflow Universe

Roboflow   é una piattaforma intuitiva e ricca di risorse, ideale sia per principianti che per esperti. Il punto forte di Roboflow Universe ...