sabato 16 luglio 2011

How to Run Google's Chrome OS from a USB Drive

How to Run Google's Chrome OS from a USB Drive

To make a Chromebook of your own is fairly easy and involves just a few simple steps.

1. Download Google’s latest Chrome OS Vanilla build for USB HERE.

2. Use Winrar or 7zip to extract the ‘tar.gz’ file into ‘.tar’, then extract again to view the folder with the Chrome OS image (.IMG) file.

3. Download Image Writer 0.2 HERE.

4. Insert USB stick.

5. Open Image Writer and select the extracted Chrome OS .IMG file. Also make sure the selected “Device” is the one for your USB stick (should be automatic).

6. Select “Write.”

7. Restart the computer and change initial boot drive to USB so that it boots in USB mode.

8. Finally, log in to Chromium OS with your gMail username and password or “facepunch” for both if you don’t have one. I recommend setting up a gMail account if you don’t have one already so that you can maintain and save your settings, documents, etc..

Roboflow Universe

Roboflow   é una piattaforma intuitiva e ricca di risorse, ideale sia per principianti che per esperti. Il punto forte di Roboflow Universe ...