giovedì 14 aprile 2011

Auto DJ, Free DJ Mixing Software

Auto DJ, Free DJ Mixing Software: "

Auto DJ is an uncomplicated free DJ mixing software that’s ideal for private parties and other events where you need better sound mixing options or prefer not to just play songs from a playlist.

When you start the program for the first time you notice that the interface can be separated into three parts. You find two music players at the top, a playlist with available songs below those players and settings on the right.

The two players always list the currently playing song and the next song in line. The program can automatically fade between songs or leave that option to the user’s manual intervention.

At best, all that you need to do is to load a playlist or songs into the program and click on the Start Auto DJ button to let the dj software handle the rest.

free dj mixing software

You get more control if you handle the mixing and fading manually. Next to each music player are controls to increase or decrease the playback rate, that is the speed of the playback, and the standard music player controls like increasing or decreasing the song’s volume or stopping it.

The options on the right allow you to specify a fade duration and type. Available types are linear crossfade, scratch and custom fade between which you can switch easily.

A custom fade editor is available to customize the fade duration and volume in steps on a graph.

dj mixing fade

Songs can also be added via drag and drop to the interface, and you can load or save playlists to speed up the setup. The program does not support m3u playlists, only its own format and basic text lists of songs. That’s one of the major issues that I have with the dj mixing software considering that you can only add one song at a time via the Playlist menu. It is however possible to drag and drop a folder full of music onto the designated drag and drop area of Auto DJ to load several songs at once into the program’s playlist.

Auto DJ requires Windows Media Player to be installed on the system. The advantage of that is that it supports all music files that Windows Media Player supports, the disadvantage that it is a dependency that not every Windows user will like.

Additional mixing options and song manipulation features would be welcome as well. For now, fading is all that you can do with the mixing software.

Interested users can download the Auto DJ application from the developer’s website at Sourceforge. It is compatible with all versions of Windows provided that Windows Media Player is installed.

© Martin Brinkmann for gHacks Technology News | Latest Tech News, Software And Tutorials, 2011. | Permalink | Add to, digg, facebook, reddit, twitter
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