venerdì 24 settembre 2010

Mulve, Windows Music Downloader

Mulve, Windows Music Downloader: "

Earlier today, reviews of the free portable app Mulve made their rounds on the Internet. It probably originated at Torrentfreak and got picked up by other sites shortly thereafter as well.

Mulve, is a free, standalone program to download music from the Internet. It’s biggest feature? Simplicity. A double-click to start, a search phrase, and clicks on the Save button to save the music to the local hard drive. That’s all it takes to download music.

The availability of music is huge. The developers claim the program has access to ten million songs, and it surely feels that way. Search for some hip charts pop trash and you find it, search for other genres or artists and you find them, search for rare stuff and you are likely to get hits as well.

mulve music downloader

mulve music downloader

A click on Extend Search will display more results on the same page. All downloadable with a single click. All results are shown with the artists name, title, length, bitrate and size of the song. It is even possible to sort the music, for instance to display the largest files on top, or to better handle results with multiple artists.

Download speeds are ok and it is possible to download multiple songs at once.

From a technical standpoint, there is not much that can be more comfortable or better. The program could use a search filter and an option to start downloads of multiple files at once.

Torrentfreak scanned a few of the downloads and found out that their source leads to Russia, more precisely the huge social network Vkontakte. Downloads are direct http downloads, there is no sharing involved in the process and the only way to find out that a user has downloaded music is from the traffic logs of the server they were downloaded from.

It is legal? We are no lawyers here. Legalities depend on the laws in the country of the user. For many countries this will likely be a No. The likelihood of discovery on the other hand is slim as well.

What’s your take on Mulve? Let us know in the comments.

© Martin for gHacks Technology News, 2010. | Permalink | Add to, digg, facebook, reddit, twitter
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