venerdì 30 aprile 2010

Map Spreadsheet Locations To Google Maps

Map Spreadsheet Locations To Google Maps: "

Batchgeo is a free online service that maps spreadsheet locations to Google Maps. This can be useful for several purposes including creating a store locator, creating a map, calculating distances, house or apartment buying, finding the best route to visit several locations and more.

All that needs to be done to map the locations is to paste the spreadsheet information into the form on the Batchgeo website. The online service will automatically use the first row as identifiers which means that users need to make sure that it contains those. Identifiers such as zip, address or city need to be linked to the right columns in case the automatic detection does not do that correctly.

Batchgeo creates a Google Map with the location of the spreadsheet displayed on the map. It is then possible to save, print and share the map that has been created, download Google Earth KML data or download the geocoding results again.

All Google Maps view modes are available (map, satellite, hybrid and terrain).


There does not seem to be an option to directly embed the mapped information on a website, only to create a static url on the batchgeo website. The blog mentioned a button to create the embed code but the button is nowhere to be found on the site.

Batchgeo can be a handy program, especially for users who need to create a map from location information stored in a spreadsheet.


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