giovedì 31 maggio 2012

Welcome to SolarFocus per Kindle

Accessorio che non può mancare se hai un Kindle

Welcome to SolarFocus:

Mappa: ecco come si sono comportati i tornado degli ultimi 56 anni
Remote Control your Android Phone using SMS

sabato 26 maggio 2012

mercoledì 23 maggio 2012

domenica 20 maggio 2012

Mappe Eventi Sismici in Italia

Mappa degli eventi sismici rilevati in Italua a cura del I.E.S.N Italian Experimental Seismic Network

Gmail and iPhone alums create Electric Imp, connect your toaster to the web

domenica 13 maggio 2012

sabato 12 maggio 2012

Security Guardian is a secure USB mobile memory device


Security Guardian is a secure USB mobile memory device that provides complete control over your remote memory devices.
Benefits include:
  • ‘Fort Knox’ of mobile data security services.
  • Complete Data Loss Prevention.
  • Secure Cloud based management console.
  • Remotely turn USB memory On / Off.
  • Remotely kill compromised data, even when Security Guardian is not connected to a laptop or the Internet.
  • Large storage, capacities from 16GB to 250GB.
  • Works with all main AES 256 encryption products.
  • Integrated GPS means knowing exactly where your data is.
  • GPRS communication module sends commands and receives reports.
  • Internal battery for operation when not connected to a laptop.
  • Remote ‘Over the Air’ update facility.
  • Create authorised access / exclusion zones.
With Security Guardian you, your staff and your company are fully protected and satisfy every aspect of the new legislation. As part of the Security Guardian monitoring service, there is a complete audit trail which confirms robust data security measures have been implemented.

venerdì 11 maggio 2012

venerdì 4 maggio 2012


DorkSearch è una piattaforma online progettata per facilitare e velocizzare il processo di Google Dorking, una tecnica avanzata di ricerca s...