giovedì 30 giugno 2011

The world’s craziest basketball court is in Munich

The world’s craziest basketball court is in Munich: "

The world’s craziest basketball court is in Munich

There is a basketball court in Germany that is about to blow your mind.

We're not sure, outside of displaying one's artistic integrity, why someone would choose to make a 3D-styled basketball court featuring lumps and lamps and all sorts of weirdness, but we do appreciate the results. Because it gives us an excuse to wonder what it would be like to play basketball on a court like this:

The world’s craziest basketball court is in Munich

Or this:

The world’s craziest basketball court is in Munich

Or this:

The world’s craziest basketball court is in Munich

Whoa, man. Here's a description of the court, from inges idée:

A regulation-sized basketball court was erected on the grove-like forecourt of the school building of the occupational school. The court consists of a soft orange-red tartan covering and two normed baskets and seems to be forced over the grid of the lamps that have been set up. The playable court has been 'morphed' as in a 3D program on a computer and looks like the grounds of a rollercoaster, with heights and depths and calm and dynamic zones. The resulting paradox, which moves between a normative set of rules and pleasurable, anarchic change, requires creative engagement for its use.

It's best if you read the preceding paragraph with the appropriate accent.

Also, we can only hope that Dirk Nowitzki never sets foot on this court. We like his ankles the way they are.

(Images courtesy of Markus Buck)

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Smart Design: Switch Plug Saves Power [PICS]

Smart Design: Switch Plug Saves Power [PICS]: "

Take one look at this Switch Plug and you’ll immediately see its value. Plug it in while the switch is in its off position, and there’s less of a chance of sparks or shocks.

Once you plug it in, flip the switch and its LEDs light up, reminding you that there’s energy flowing through that plug, perhaps encouraging you to turn it off when not in use. Our only quibble: those LEDs better draw very little power, lest they defeat the Switch Plug’s energy-saving purpose.

Designer Gonglue Jiang, currently studying at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, is onto something with this design concept. The idea could be especially useful if the technology were installed on those AC adapters that act like vampires, suck sucking power 24/7, even when you’re not using the device to which they’re attached.

This is not Jiang’s first encounter with plugs — he also created this colorful design he calls “Infinite USB,” giving you the ability to daisychain USB plugs, solving that problem of the reduced number of USB ports on many laptops:

Infinite USB

Infinite USB

Switch Plug

Switch Plug

Switch Plug

[via Yanko Design]

More About: design, design concept, Gonglue Jiang, infinite USB, Switch Plug, vampire power

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mercoledì 29 giugno 2011

"Mobile"-ize your business with Google Sites

"Mobile"-ize your business with Google Sites: "Building on last week’s post on automatic mobile rendering, we’re excited to introduce five new templates to make it easier for businesses to create mobile landing pages. You can also start from scratch with our custom template if you’re feeling creative.

Watch the video below to see how “small” businessman, Bob, transformed his business using Google Sites:

Visit to check out the five templates.

Posted by: Shiv Kumar, Google Mobile Specialist


"Mobile"-ize your business with Google Sites

"Mobile"-ize your business with Google Sites: "Building on last week’s post on automatic mobile rendering, we’re excited to introduce five new templates to make it easier for businesses to create mobile landing pages. You can also start from scratch with our custom template if you’re feeling creative.

Watch the video below to see how “small” businessman, Bob, transformed his business using Google Sites:

Visit to check out the five templates.

Posted by: Shiv Kumar, Google Mobile Specialist


"Mobile"-ize your business with Google Sites

"Mobile"-ize your business with Google Sites: "Building on last week’s post on automatic mobile rendering, we’re excited to introduce five new templates to make it easier for businesses to create mobile landing pages. You can also start from scratch with our custom template if you’re feeling creative.

Watch the video below to see how “small” businessman, Bob, transformed his business using Google Sites:

Visit to check out the five templates.

Posted by: Shiv Kumar, Google Mobile Specialist


giovedì 16 giugno 2011

Naval Clash: il classico gioco della battaglia navale, su Android

Naval Clash: il classico gioco della battaglia navale, su Android: "

Sbarca su Android, per opera di NorthenCaptain, Naval Clash: il classico gioco della battaglia navale, a cui fa sempre piacere giocare, che si differenzia però dalla maggior parte degli altri titoli disponibili per la sua particolare grafica, 'disegnata a mano'. Scopriamolo meglio in alcuni screenshot, dopo il salto!

Continua a leggere Naval Clash: il classico gioco della battaglia navale, su Android su Androidiani.Com

© Alex for, 2011. |
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..:: ::.. Scegli il tuo sexy parlamentare.....

"Il sito è nato per aiutare italiani e non a conoscere i membri del Parlamento italiano, Camera dei Deputati e Senato della Repubblica. Abbiamo scelto la via scherzosa di una sfida sull'appeal fra parlamentari, un confronto inedito per l'Italia. Una sorta di referendum, senza raccolta di firme, per scegliere la più bella e il più bello del Parlamento. Come vedrete abbiamo pensato a confronti diretti fra le donne e fra gli uomini ma anche ad una sfida mista.Un modo di scoprire così chi ha maggiore appeal presso gli elettori. Certo l'immagine non è tutto e contano più le idee, ma dato che gli esperti di comunicazione curano anche l'immagine dei nostri parlamentari, abbiamo pensato a una valutazione diretta del popolo sovrano. Una valutazione certo non scientifica e che speriamo non offenda nessuno"

Ecco i codici PIN da non usare mai

Ecco i codici PIN da non usare mai: "

codici PIN comuni

Il codice PIN della SIM Card è il primo dei sistemi di sicurezza attivabili dall’utente in un telefono. Serve come strumento di riconoscimento del titolare della scheda ed evita, in caso di furto del dispositivo, che qualcuno possa effettuare delle telefonate improprie.

Ma quale codice usare per proteggere al meglio quell’accesso? Il codice è formato da 4 cifre e la maggior parte delle persone continua, per comodità, ad usare la sequenza 1234. Lo ha scoperto lo sviluppatore dell’applicazione Big Brother Camera Security che ha raccolto, in maniera anonima, i codici PIN più usati.

Il primo è 1234, seguito da 0000 e 2580. Il primo è la sequenza della prima linea della tastiera alfanumerica, il secondo è il codice di base e il terzo è la sequenza della seconda colonna della tastiera. Se usate uno di questi codici forse fareste meglio a cambiarlo.

[via amitay]

Ecco i codici PIN da non usare mai é stato pubblicato su alle 10:56 di martedì 14 giugno 2011.


giovedì 2 giugno 2011

Turn your Facebook Profile into a Virtual Museum

Turn your Facebook Profile into a Virtual Museum: "


Intel’s Museum of Me is a brilliant online app that turns your Facebook profile into a virtual museum with the click of a button.

Simply authorize the Museum of Me app to access your Facebook profile and it will pull your photographs, pictures of friends you frequently interact with, your location and other data that you may have shared on Facebook and turns everything into an impressive animated movie.

This is much like taking a walking tour of a virtual museum where all the rooms and galleries display exhibits that are you own.

There’s no option to export your museum as a video though you may use a screencasting tool like Camtasia or Fraps to record the output as I have done for the following video.

If you have a Facebook profile, this is something you should not miss.

Did you like the story? Post to Twitter or Share on Facebook.

Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, Turn your Facebook Profile into a Virtual Museum, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on June 1, 2011 under Facebook, Visualization, Internet.



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