lunedì 19 dicembre 2011

sabato 17 dicembre 2011

Nuovo Google Map Maker

Nuovo Google Map Maker:

Together with other volunteer map makers, you can easily go into Google Map Maker and make changes to make the map reflect the real world for millions to see. So whether you want to add a new bike path, correct a business location, or map an entire city you can start with Google Map Maker.

Semplicemente bellissimo e utile il nuovo Map Maker di Google che permette di contribuire a Google Maps aggiungendo dettagli o, ancora meglio, di creare mappe personali in maniera ancora più facile rispetto alla vecchia versione.

Love it.

Get 3 Months of Hulu Plus for Free (Update: Dead) [Deals]

venerdì 16 dicembre 2011

Full HD 1080P Android 2.2 Network Media Player (WiFi, HDMI) - CVJI-E198

You Have Downloaded

You Have Downloaded é un servizio gratutito che traccia i download effettuati tramite protocollo torrent. Prova a collegarti, se hai scaricato dei file torrent, saprai se sei tracciato ;).

MIT builds camera that can capture at the speed of light (video)

mercoledì 14 dicembre 2011

Google Cloud Print picks up steam

Trackable Dynamic QR Codes - TrakQR

TrakQR is an exciting new service that allows you to create, manage, and track your own dynamic QR codes.

sabato 10 dicembre 2011

Arriva Schemer, servizio Google per la vita offiline

Arriva Schemer, servizio Google per la vita offiline:

Schemer il nuovo servizio Google che si propone come annello di congiunzione tra il momdo virtuale e quello reale. Per ora in beta solo su invito.


venerdì 9 dicembre 2011


TagMyDoc allows you to apply a tag on a document which can be scanned and retrieved as a virtual copy.

Unroll.Me - The easy way to remove email subscriptions

il modo più semplice per rimuovere  le sottoscrizioni alle newsletter.
Una volta sottoscritti visualizzera tutti i siti ai quali siamo sottoscritti e con un semplice click rimuovere quelli ai quali non siamo più interessati.

funny.jpg (600×612)

Picasa 3.9 disponibile per il download

sabato 3 dicembre 2011

venerdì 2 dicembre 2011

Amazon Kindle Fire now the best selling Android tablet, tops iPad sales at
La mail di Google è ancora più sicura con Forward Secrecy
La distro Linux più diffusa non è (più) Ubuntu

Cobra iHelicopter - iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Android Phone Controlled RC Helicopter (Desert Camouflage)

Cobra iHelicopter - iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Android Phone Controlled RC Helicopter (Desert Camouflage):
cobra ihelicopter
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Tecnologia a colpo d’occhio: lenti a contatto diventano uno schermo - JUGO Tecnologia
Smog killer, chi vive in Pianura Padana vive tre anni in meno
Rain Alarm, Receive Precipitation Warnings In Chrome

sabato 26 novembre 2011

Vscreens, applicazione android per mostrare contenuti da mobile a schermi più grandi
Su Google Chrome arriva il supporto nativo al joypad per i giochi e tanto altro

giovedì 24 novembre 2011

I droni spia volanti del ministero della difesa giapponese

Condividi le tue presentazioni usando il QRCODE

Considera di aver fatto un apresentazione ad un evento e probabilmente la platea vorrebbe avere una copia della tua presentazione. A tal proposito é nato un nuovo servizio che si chiama TagMyDoc che consente di inglobare un documento all'interno di un QRCode, un questo modo, con apposiata APP, é possibile scaricare immediatmente il documento sullo smartphone. 

domenica 20 novembre 2011

sabato 19 novembre 2011

How to Turn Your Webcam Into a Streaming, Motion-Detecting Surveillance System [Video]

How to Turn Your Webcam Into a Streaming, Motion-Detecting Surveillance System [Video]:
You don't need expensive software or a new camera to keep an eye on things at home. Whether you're looking after your dog or trying to catch burglars in the act, you can put together a home security system with a regular webcam and your PC. More »

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011:
There's still time! The deadline for entries for this year's National Geographic Photo Contest is November 30. Photographers of all skill levels (last year more than 16,000 images submitted by photographers from 130 countries) enter photographs in three categories: Nature, People and Places. The photographs are judged on creativity and photographic quality by a panel of experts. There is one first place winner in each category and a grand prize winner as well. The following is a selection of 54 entries from each of the 3 categories. The caption information is provided and written by the individual photographer. -- Paula Nelson (54 photos total)

LONE TREE YELLOWSTONE: A solitary tree surviving another harsh winter in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. (Photo and caption by Anita Erdmann/Nature/National Geographic Photo Contest)

giovedì 17 novembre 2011

How to Make Your Windows PC Boot Faster

How to Make Your Windows PC Boot Faster: Looking to slash your Windows PC's boot time to the bone? We'll show you how we made one system boot 30 percent faster.

I migliori motori di ricerca per Megaupload e Rapidshare

I migliori motori di ricerca per Megaupload e Rapidshare: Pubblicato in: , , ,

La ricerca su Megaupload e Rapidshare è fondamentale per sfruttare al meglio questi servizi di file hosting online che sono tra i migliori che si possano trovare in rete. Questo genere di siti sta diventando…

A Portable Antivirus Software from Microsoft

A Portable Antivirus Software from Microsoft:

Is your computer infected with a virus that is preventing you from downloading security updates from the Internet or from running any antivirus program on that machine? Or are your looking for an antivirus software that can be carried on a USB drive to quickly scan any disconnected computer(s) for viruses or malware?

You should check out Microsoft Safety Scanner. This is a free antivirus software, always updated with the latest definitions, and requires no installation - all you need to do is copy the program executable msert.exe to an infected computer and double-click that file. If it detects a problem, the infected files will be quarantined.

Antivirus for USB

You may either do a thorough scan - check every file and folder - or a quick scan that checks a limited number of folders that are most likely to contain viruses, malware or spyware.

Microsoft Safety Scanner is available as a free download for both 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows. You may use on Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 machines and, unlike Microsoft’s other antivirus software, Safety Scanner doesn’t perform a check for genuine Windows.

The program expires after 10 days but you can always re-download it with the updated virus definitions. It won’t however scan your Outlook emails or your network drives for any possible infections.

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, A Portable Antivirus Software from Microsoft, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on November 17, 2011 under Antivirus, Portable, Software.

Victorinox Presentation Master: il coltellino svizzero che protegge i vostri segreti o si autodistrugge

sabato 5 novembre 2011

Asana Is a Free Project Management and Collaboration Tool for People with Multiple Projects [Video]

giovedì 3 novembre 2011

Jawbone Up detailed: tracks activity, food intake and sleep cycles, available November 6 for $100 (video)
Open Source Vs. Proprietary Software - interactive charts online!

Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online.
This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.

Ubuntu diventa mobile per smartphone, tablet e Tv, ma solo dal 2014 - JUGO Tecnologia
Torna l’allarme Fukushima, si teme il rischio di fissione
Happy third birthday, Chrome!
BMW 3 Series gets 'full-color' heads-up display

martedì 1 novembre 2011

venerdì 28 ottobre 2011

Top iPad Alternatives for Business

Top iPad Alternatives for Business: The iPad is the gold standard when it comes to tablet computers, but there are alternatives. We tested 8 products to determine if they had what it takes to give the iPad a run for its money as a business device.
How to Break Into a Computer (And Prevent It from Happening to You) [Evil Week]

giovedì 27 ottobre 2011

Amped Wireless gives your WiFi 1.5-mile range: never lose signal in the garden again

domenica 9 ottobre 2011



Anche se non accade troppo spesso, a volte può essere necessario copiare il testo da un'immagine in un documento. E 'certamente possibile digitare il testo manualmente nel documento che può essere ok se si tratta di alcune parole o frasi. Ma cosa succede se si tratta di un'immagine piena di testo? Forse hai ricevuto un fax o una copia del documento in formato immagine che qualcuno inviare via e-mail.

Gttext è un programma gratuito open source per il sistema operativo Windows per identificare il testo in immagini e copiarlo negli appunti di Windows.

domenica 2 ottobre 2011


PassMyWill  é un'originale servizio web che, su tue indicazioni, comunicherà ai tuoi cari gli account e le relative password che avevi in vita. :)

Will your passwords to your relatives if you pass away

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venerdì 23 settembre 2011

10 Free Online Backup Services for Android and iPhone

10 Free Online Backup Services for Android and iPhone:

When you need to access a document you have stored on a remote server or synchronize data between your systems/devices and share important business documents with your clients, you need to have a powerful online backup and sharing solution that backs up your data automatically on a secured cloud storage and make it available when you need. Here in this post we review 10 most popular online backup, online sync and online sharing solution for Android and iPhone, that just provides all you need for free!


1. Dropbox

Dropbox is a Web-based file hosting service that uses cloud computing to enable users to store and share files and folders with others across the Internet using file synchronization. Dropbox offers a relatively large number of user clients across a variety of desktop and mobile operating systems like Android, Windows Phone 7, iPhone, iPad and BlackBerry. There are a number of versions across many Operating Systems - Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It offers 2GB of free space to store your files that are always available from the secure Dropbox website.

2. SpiderOak

SpiderOak provides an easy, secure and consolidated free online backup, sync, sharing, access & storage solution for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It has mobile clients for iOS and Android that can be downloaded at the SpiderOak website

3. SugarSync

SugarSync’s online backup, file sync, and sharing service makes it easy to stay connected. With SugarSync you get secure cloud storage for all your files — documents, music, photos, and videos. You can download SugarSync client for Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Symbian from the SugarSync website.

4. Wuala

Wuala is an online storage, synchronization, and backup service. Data is stored on Wuala’s own servers as well as ‘in the cloud’ - that is on storage ‘traded in’ by other users of the service. Data in the cloud is stored as encrypted blocks, and in multiple copies. It supports Windows, Mac, Linux, and Mobile like iPhone and Android. You can download the client for free from the Wuala website.

5. ZumoDrive

ZumoDrive is a cloud-based file synchronization and storage service that enables users to store and sync files online and between computers using their HybridCloud storage solution. ZumoDrive has a cross-platform client for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, and Palm webOS, that enables users to copy any file or folder into the ZumoDrive virtual disk that is then synced to the web and the users’ other computers and handheld devices. For more details click here.

6. Tonido

Tonido allows you to access and share your content directly through a web browser without uploading or worrying about storage limits. You can share files, music, photos and calendar, download torrents and even manage your finances straight from your desktop. It is available for all the popular mobile platforms like Android, iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Mobile. For more details check here.

7. Asus WebStorage

ASUS WebStorage is a Cloud Storage Service that helps user backup data, sync file between devices and share data to friends. It offers auto data backup for nearly 3 computers, auto data synchronization, and data sharing amongst others. The automatic backup of data is extremely useful as you will never need to be reminded to backup the data. In addition to Windows and Mac, it supports iPhone and Android. For more information check here.

8. Soonr

Soonr offers simple document organization and file-sharing with automatic backup and access from any Web browser or mobile phone.oonr Supports over 800 mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets and BlackBerry. For more information check here.

9. CX (Cloud Experience)

Keeps files in sync across multiple devices. Manages files, photos, calendars and address book online and offline. For more details check here.

10. Fiabee

Fiabee products allow you to automatically manage all of your files distributed across your multiple devices. Every time you create or edit a file, Fiabee’s advanced technology will detect these changes and automatically save them to our secure data center - you don’t need to do a thing. For more details check here.

giovedì 22 settembre 2011

iPhone 5 debutta il 4 ottobre: i rumors su Apple si trasformano in una quasi certezza - Tecnologia

iPhone 5 debutta il 4 ottobre: i rumors su Apple si trasformano in una quasi certezza - Tecnologia: iPhone 5 debutta il 4 ottobre: i rumors su Apple si trasformano in una quasi certezza

L'articolo iPhone 5 debutta il 4 ottobre: i rumors su Apple si trasformano in una quasi certezza è stato pubblicato da su Tecnologia il 21/09/2011

Il nuovo iPhone 5 verrà presentato martedì 4 ottobre: l’attesa per gli appassionati del marchio Apple e del suo celebre telefonino è ormai agli sgoccioli. L’indiscrezione sulla data arriva da oltreoceano, dove sembrano inoltre trovare conferma le ipotesi di un iPhone 4 low-cost.
Se tanti piccoli rumors fanno una notizia, negli Stati Uniti c’è ormai la certezza che la nuova generazione di iPhone prenderà vita il prossimo 4 ottobre, quando Tim Cook dovrebbe (il condizionale è d’obbligo) annunciare la doppia novità dell’iPhone 5 e di un iPhone 4 a basso costo. Un super smartphone per i grandi appassionati di elettronica e un dispositivo low-cost, attraente per il mercato e con un duplice obiettivo: pensionare l’ormai obsoleto 3GS e respingere l’insidia Android collocandosi su una fascia di prezzo più concorrenziale.

A proposito dell’iPhone 5, gli ultimi mesi di indiscrezioni e smentite hanno comunque fornito una descrizione di massima del nuovo dispositivo. Dovremmo dunque trovarci di fronte ad uno smartphone basato su un potente processore dual-core e dotato di uno schermo più grande e brillante. Qualità video HD e fotocamera da 8 megapixel dovrebbero poi combinarsi a tecnologie come l’NFC (Near Field Communication) ed ad altre soluzioni avanzate di connettività. Per quanto riguarda il design, per iPhone 5 si parla di una scocca dallo spessore più contenuto rispetto all’attuale iPhone 4, da cui si dovrebbe differenziare anche per il retro curvo in stile iPhone 3GS.

In attesa di conferme a queste ipotesi, da sottolineare c’è anche la grande curiosità di fan e addetti ai lavori per la prima di Tim Cook da nuovo uomo guida di Apple. A Cook l’esperienza certo non manca, ma l’assenza di Steve Jobs stavolta si farà sentire.

martedì 13 settembre 2011

Intel shows disaster management tech at IDF, casts fireballs

Intel shows disaster management tech at IDF, casts fireballs:

Intel put some disaster management tech on display during a pre-IDF event yesterday and lucky for you, we got some hands-on time. The showcase focused on three main areas of disaster management: mitigation, preparedness and response. It included technologies such as connectivity provisions for disabled networks, energy management for distressed power grids, and -- by far to most impressive item on display -- fireballs! These spherical, rugged, low-cost, autonomous sensors are designed to be thrown into a fire and report data such as temperature, free-volatiles and air quality to first responder trucks via WiFi. Vital information such as the hottest spot and the chemical composition of a fire can be sent to both the firefighters' smartphones and the backend offices. Initial readings make it easier to assess the situation before sending in human life. Check out the fireballs and more of this disaster management tech in our gallery below.

Dante Cesa contributed to this report.

Intel shows disaster management tech at IDF, casts fireballs originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 04:53:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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