sabato 31 luglio 2010

Apple è la nuova religione

Apple è la nuova religione: "

AppleL’affezione ad Apple avrebbe assunto le dimensioni di una “religione” e c’è chi sostiene che «il Papa è spaventato». Affermazioni più o, meno blasfeme a parte è indubbio che il brand goda di un successo sociologicamente rilevante. Le scene da delirio collettivo viste ieri all’Apple Store Carosello di Carugate (MI) in occasione dell’uscita di iPhone 4 lo confermano. È il caso di riflettere su episodi del genere.

Quando un’orda di persone arriva addirittura alle mani per aggiudicarsi un prodotto tecnologico su cui dovrà investire buona parte del proprio stipendio c’è qualcosa che non va. Ciò a prescindere dall’opinione positiva o, negativa sul device in sé. Poco importa se esistano davvero dei parallelismi tra il marketing di Apple e la vita del Cristo. Siamo di fronte a una “patologia” che presto avrà rehab dedicati.

Il problema è serio se consideriamo anche il successo di Cupidtino, la community per incontri online tra Apple fanboy e fangirl. Di contro, si deve comunque dare atto all’azienda di avere proposto un modello di advertising efficace e all’avanguardia. Occorre però domandarsi se il valore dei prodotti Apple sia davvero così stupefacente oppure sia esclusivamente la cecità degli acquirenti a farlo sembrare tale.

Via | TechCrunch

Apple è la nuova religione é stato pubblicato su downloadblog alle 12:00 di sabato 31 luglio 2010.


venerdì 30 luglio 2010

1-Click Rooting Comes to Droid X

1-Click Rooting Comes to Droid X: "

Are you fascinated by the idea of rooting your new Droid X but scared to get involved with the sometimes-convoluted process? Put your fears aside and check out the Windows-based app which roots (and unroots) your phone with one button. Although the concept is rather different from methods past, we're hearing it works well. According to the developer, we can also look for apps down the road which can install applications, remove bloatware, or back up apps.

Via: Droid Life

NOTE: 1-Click Rooting Comes to Droid X originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

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domenica 25 luglio 2010

Qubrit - Revolutionise your contacts

Qubrit - Revolutionise your contacts: "Qubrit - Revolutionise your contacts

Qubrit is a fast growing social network which allows you to create your virtual business card and exchange it with friends, colleagues and others. The most important feature of Qubrit, is that you will always keep the contact details of others updated. People tend to change their phones, emails, addresses, and even close down their social network profiles (like recent examples of Facebook accounts closures).

Qubrit’s main feature is that you have business cards of others, which will always be up to date, with the most curets contact information, suck as mobile, phone, email, address, skype, facebook, linkenin, twitter profile links. Once a person amends his business card information, everyone who have his virtual business card will see his most up-to-date info.

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giovedì 22 luglio 2010

Bruce Lee lights matches with nunchucks

Bruce Lee lights matches with nunchucks: "

Submitted by: bennybb

Posted at: 2010-06-24 20:27:39

See full post and comment:


Human LCD : Close Up Video

Human LCD : Close Up Video: "
High school students cheering for their soccer teams. The most amazing thing is that they do this with their CLOTHES (not holding up cards). they have a jacket that is one color on the back, one on the front, and that they can open or close to show a third color shirt on the inside. Awesome.

martedì 20 luglio 2010

Facebook festeggia i 500 milioni di utenti

Facebook festeggia i 500 milioni di utenti: "
Facebook 500 milioni

La diffusissima piattaforma di Mark Zuckerberg ha finalmente raggiunto il mezzo miliardo di iscritti. Con questo nuovo record il celeberrimo social network raggiunge un numero di utenti che lo eleva tra le piattaforme più utilizzate…"

mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

Picasa Web Integrates with Picnik

Picasa Web Integrates with Picnik: "Picasa Web Albums added an option that lets you edit photos in Picnik, the online photo editor acquired by Google in March. After clicking on the 'Edit' button, Picasa Web Albums uploads the photo to Picnik and opens Picnik in a pop-up box.

Picnik is still a Flash application and it doesn't load quickly, so you have to wait at least 10 seconds until you can use it. The online photo editor doesn't have all the features that are available in Picasa, but there's an useful 'auto-fix' option similar to the 'I'm feeling lucky' button from Picasa, you can crop photos, repair red-eye flaws, remove color casts automatically and fix exposure.

The nice thing is that you no longer have to sign in to Picnik and that the changes can be saved to Picasa Web Albums after you click 'save to my album', but that's nothing new. Flickr has been offering a similar feature since 2007.

'Picnik's rich editing tools are now integrated into Picasa Web Albums allowing you to experience them without ever having to leave your account. As long as you're using Picasa in one of the Picnik supported languages, just click 'edit' from the edit drop down menu or from the new handy Picnik icon. Then, Picnik away by applying an effect, adding a sticker, or exploring your own creative path with advanced tools. When you are done editing your photo, save back to your album by either replacing the existing image or making a new copy,' suggests Google.

I expect that Picnik will be rewritten as an HTML5 application, so that it can have a better performance and properly integrate with Picasa Web Albums. Instead of opening the editor in separate box, Picasa Web Albums should let you edit the photo in place.

{ Thanks, Sterling and Niranjan. }


Il pannello solare…da stendere

Il pannello solare…da stendere: "Una compagnia che si occupa di pannelli fotovoltaici, la SoloPower, ha annunciato di essere in procinto di mettere in commercio dei pannelli solari che si possono letteralmente stendere. Dall’immagine sembrano più facili da posizionare del tappeto di casa! Ad ogni modo un altro vantaggio di questi pannelli è di essere più leggeri in quanto non [...]


Outlook / Facebook Social Connector out today

Outlook / Facebook Social Connector out today: "

Microsoft is going to release the Facebook social connector for Outlook later today according to Neowin. The connector allows you to integrate your Facebook contacts into Outlook to view things like their status updates. It’s a good way to keep in touch with people, though businesses might find the concept irritating.

Many people were expecting this to have been released with the new Office 2010 suite recently but news soon came that it might be some time before it was released.

The Connector provides a stream of information from SharePoint, Windows Live and Social networking sites. The connector is built into Outlook 2010 but will be available to download as a plug-in for Outlook 2003 and 2007.

The forthcoming version of Windows Live Messenger will also feature social networking integration and this is a tool that can prove useful in the business space if utilised properly.

The Outlook Social Connector (OSC) should be available for download later today.

UPDATE : You can now download the Outlook Social Connector HERE.

© Mike Halsey for gHacks Technology News, 2010. | Permalink | Add to, digg, facebook, reddit, twitter
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venerdì 2 luglio 2010

345 template gratuiti per PowerPoint

345 template gratuiti per PowerPoint: "

345 template gratuiti per PowerPoint

Stanchi dei classici sfondi offerti da Microsoft per PowerPoint? Presentation magazine ha raccolto la bellezza di 345 template per il popolare sofware per la creazione di presentazioni.

La scelta è ampia ed i template sono stati divisi per categorie: presentazioni, mappe, business, sport ecc.

345 template gratuiti per PowerPoint é stato pubblicato su downloadblog alle 12:00 di giovedì 01 luglio 2010.


How google works

How google works: ""


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